
Sent:                               Friday, September 04, 2015 6:38 AM

Subject:                          APA Meeting Notes

Attachments:                 alabama_handout.pdf; HPO 8-31-15.pdf; TIRZ Review City Council Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committe Aug 4 2015.pdf


Hello Everyone!


We had a good meeting last night, and well attended, too! Thank you to everyone who came, and to those who missed it, I hope we see you next time! (You don’t know what you’re missing!)


We covered a number of topics:


1. TIRZ.

The City of Houston is entertaining the addition of several new TIRZs (that is Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone) to help with infrastructure and development at a local level. Montrose is being considered for a TIRZ, and I believe it will be a good thing for those of us here in the neighborhood. I will be available for anyone who wants to talk about this, or learn more about TIRZs and their consequences. I have attached the presentation that the City made to the Neartown organization


2. Historic District Ordinance


The City is updating the Historic District Ordinance to make it clearer and easier to conform to. There was a Quality of Life Committee meeting this week where the changes were presented. I have attached the redline document to this email.


3. Deed Restrictions


It is important to note that Audubon Place has two different organizations covering our properties. One is the Audubon Place Historic District, which is a City of Houston designation, and the City decides the form of what can, and cannot be built. These are covered in the Historic District Ordinance (above). We also have Deed Restrictions, which are controlled by a group called the Historic Montrose Organization. You can see the Deed Restrictions here. Not all properties are covered by deed restrictions (you have to opt in) but all properties are covered by the Historic District rules. But if you have a “contributing” structure, the rules are stricter than if you have a “non-contributing” structure. Again, if anyone wants more details about this, contact me or better yet, come to the next meeting!


4.  Alabama Reconstruction


Jim Cue (our Secretary) attended the Rebuild Houston meeting where the reconstruction of Alabama was discussed. I have attached the description of the changes that are proposed. The construction on our part of Alabama won’t start until 2018, but they are coming.


There was an easy, free flowing discussion about other neighborhood issues. As always, it was good to catch up.


Our next meeting will coincide with Houston’s Neighborhood Night Out, which is October 6th. I’ll send out invitations in advance.


Be there!


Dan Piette

804 Harold



President Audubon Place Association

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